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    主讲嘉宾:Jered B. Carr, UIC(伊利诺伊芝加哥分校)教授;公共管理系系主任

               Urban Affairs Review 主编

    讲座题目:An Exploration of Collaboration Risk in Joint Ventures: Perceptions of Risk by Local Economic Development Officials in the U.S.



    讲座时间: 6月14日(周二)下午14:00-16:30

    地    点: 求是楼317室


    Jered B. Carr教授是伊利诺伊芝加哥分校公共管理系主任,Urban Affairs Review主编。他教学和研究的领域主要是府际管理、都市治理以及地方政府管理。Carr教授在 American Review of Public Administration, Journal of Urban Affairs, Political Research Quarterly, Public Administration Review, Urban Affairs Review and Urban Studies等一流期刊上发表多篇论文。


    This study explores the nature of “collaboration” risk in joint ventures and the factors that affect local development officials’ perceptions of these risks. Extant research on barriers to joint venture formation clearly indicates an important role for collaboration risk, but a systematic examination of the factors shaping local officials’ perceptions of this risk is lacking. We propose that their perceptions of the region’s norms regarding interlocal collaboration, the structure of the communication networks they have created with other local officials and differences in the racial composition of their own cities are important factors shaping their perceptions of collaboration risk. Our findings provide researchers with a basis for understanding the dimensions of collaboration risk in joint ventures and highlight the importance of the regional climate of cooperation among municipal leaders in shaping these perceptions. The two measures capturing the environment for collaboration in the region had the strongest link to the respondents’ perception of collaboration risk on joint ventures for economic development.