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    主讲嘉宾:尼尔·伦特(Neil Lunt)博士,英国约克大学MPA项目主任

    讲座题目: 社会福利改革及变化(Welfare to work reform and changes in social security)



    讲座地点:求是楼 0222教室


    Dr. Neil Lunt Biography

    My undergraduate and postgraduate degrees are in politics (University of Durham) and political philosophy (University of York). I have a PhD in social policy (Massey University, New Zealand) and my thesis explored the emergence of social science knowledge.

    Following a stint during 1991 as research assistant in education policy, I joined the Social Policy Research Unit here at York. Between 1992 and 1996 I was a research fellow on various externally funded projects focused on the organisation and delivery of health and social services, and disability employment policy.

    Between 1997 and 2006 I spent a decade in New Zealand based at Massey University (Auckland) teaching policy studies. I returned to York in January 2007.

    I was Provost of James College 2007-2013.  Currently I am Director of the MPA (CASPPER) Programme, Pathway Lead (Social Policy) for the White Rose Doctoral Training Centre, and contribute towards SPEAX within the Department focusing on East Asian social policy.