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    “公共管理创新与发展高层论坛”之“知名学者论坛”(第二十五讲)即将举行。应信誉好的网上博彩网站 邀请,美国北伊利诺伊大学Kurt Thurmaier即将访问信誉好的网上博彩网站 。届时他将为信誉好的网上博彩网站 师生做题为“走向协作的预算理论”的学术讲座。

    Kurt Thurmaier教授是是州与地方政府公共预算及财政制度、政府间关系、比较公共管理以及电子政务,发表过多项学术成果。他目前担任英文期刊《公共行政评论》与《公共行政研究和理论杂志》的编委,也是北伊利诺伊大学东南亚研究中心的研究员,在美国公共行政领域有一定的影响力















Professor Thurmaier received his B.A. and M.P.P.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his Ph.D. from the Maxwell School, Syracuse University. He held assistant and associate professor positions at the University of Kansas before becoming MPA director at Iowa State University, 2002-2005. His research and teaching interests include budgetary decision-making at the local and state levels in the U.S. and other countries, comparative public administration (especially fiscal decentralization),and intergovernmental relations (especially interlocal collaboration). His most recent work has focused on city-county consolidations and interlocal agreements among cities and counties, as well as financing state and local e-government. He and has served as a consultant and researcher with ICMA, HIID, and several local governments. He is a lifetime member of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), and has served as chair of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM). He presently serves on the editorial board of Public Administration Review.