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【主讲嘉宾】 Arnold M.Howitt

【题      目】 拯救巴黎圣母院:应对大型火灾

SAVING NOTRE-DAME CATHEDRAL:The Emergency Response to a fire catastrophe

【内容简介】 When France’s historic cathedral burst into flames in April 2019, the Paris Fire Brigade faced a daunting dilemma. Could this ancient structure be saved? This talk will analyze the effort to prevent the cathedral’s total destruction and save the historic religious relics and art work that Parisians and the French people regard as a critical element of its patrimony. It will also explore some more general issues about the organization of emergency response, the relationship between professional emergency leaders and political leaders, and the need to protect important historic and cultural resources from disaster.

【主 持 人】 刘一弘 信誉好的网上博彩网站 助理教授

【语      言】 English

【时      间】 2020年1月6日(周一)12:00-13:30

【地      点】 求是320会议室


Arnold M. Howitt, Ph.D.

      Arnold M. Howitt is Co-Director of the Program on Crisis Leadership and Senior Adviser of the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the John F. Kennedy School of Government (HKS), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, and Distinguished Visiting Professor at Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

      At HKS, Dr. Howitt works extensively in executive education on crisis management for senior officials from the US and other countries. He has also been deeply involved since 2003 in HKS executive education programs for senior officials from China, including serving as a strategic adviser and trainer-of-trainers for China’s National Institute of Emergency Management.

      Among other writing, Dr. Howitt is co-author/editor of Public Health Preparedness (American Public Health Association Press, 2017), Natural Disaster Management in the Asia-Pacific (Springer, 2015), Managing Crises (CQ Press, 2009), and Countering Terrorism (MIT Press, 2003).

      Dr. Howitt received his B.A. degree from Columbia University and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in political science from Harvard University. He has been a faculty member and administrator at Harvard since 1976.


