主题:The Cubic Relationship between the Extents and Effects of Scientific Application and Its Influencing Factors: A Case Study of Desertification Control in Northern China
摘要: Science plays an important role in desertification control and other types of ecological and environmental management. People often intuitively assume that higher extents of the adoption and implementation of scientific measures must lead to increased effects of science application. Based on an empirical case study of desertification control in northern China, however, this study found that the relationship between the extent and effect of scientific application followed a cubic rather than a simplified linear relationship and was influenced by a set of factors, including biophysical conditions, science itself, interactions between organizations and social actors, and other supporting elements. The study also developed a framework for analyzing several factors that influence the extents and the effects of scientific application and the deviation between the two. These findings provide an outline for improving the adoption and implementation of scientific measures in desertification control and other types of ecological and environmental management.
杨立华,男,甘肃民勤人。现任北京航空航天大学信誉好的网上博彩网站 副教授、博士生导师、环境治理与可持续性科学研究所所长。主要研究方向为环 境治理与政策、生态环境与公共经济学、公共管理研究方法、公共事务管理与可持续性科学。先后毕业于北京大学(政治学与行政管理系、中国经济研究中心、政府 管理信誉好的网上博彩网站 )、美国印第安纳大学(公共与环境信誉好的网上博彩网站 、政治学系、政治科学与政策分析研究所)与美国亚利桑那州立大学(公共事务信誉好的网上博彩网站 ),获法学学士、经济学学 士、管理学硕士、政治学硕士和公共事务哲学博士学位。主持国家自然科学基金、环保部纵向等科学研究项目,并参与由美国、欧盟以及亚行等资助的多项国际研究项目。在《Ecological Economics》 (SCI & SSCI)、《Journal of Policy Analysis & Management》(SSCI)、《Government Information Quarterly》(SCI & SSCI)、《Environmental Management》(SCI)、《International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology》(SCI) 、《Management and Organization Review》(SSCI)、《Journal of Environmental Management》(SCI)、《International Journal of Conflict Management》(SSCI)等英文SCI和SSCI期刊以及国内诸如《中国软科学》、《中国人民大学学报》、《中国行政管理》、《公共管理学报》、《科学学研究》等CSSCI和核心中文期刊等发表论文50余篇。此外有被收入各种学术论文集的论文多篇,并参与了国内其他一些学术性著作相关章节的写作和编辑,并任多家英文或中文期刊的编委或特约评审专家。中文专著有《超越政府与超越企业》(中国经济出版社2004年版;38万字)和《完美全面产品管理》(北京大学出版社2008年版;60万字),译著有《趋向地方自治的新理念》(主持翻译、北京大学出版社2005年版)和《民营化和公私部门的伙伴关系》(参与翻译本书第二部分、中国人民大学出版社2002年版)。《学者参与性治理:荒漠化及其他集体行动困境问题的解决》曾获美国公共政策和管理学会2008-2009年度最佳博士论文奖(亚洲研究);并获其他国际国内奖励20多项。
Lihua Yang is an Associate Professor, PH.D Candidate Supervisor at the School of Public Administration, Beihang University and Director of the Workshop for Environmental Governance and Sustainability Science. He graduated from Peking University and Indiana University with two bachelor degrees (Law and Economics) and two master degrees (Management and Political Science). He got his doctorate in the School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University in May, 2009. His research interests include environmental science and policy, roles of scholars and science in ecological and environmental managements, ecological economics, desertification control, and public policy making. He has published a batch of English articles in journals such as Ecological Economics, Government Information Quarterly, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Environmental Management, Management and Organization Review, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Word Ecology, Journal of Environmental Management, International Journal of Conflict Management, Journal of Geographical Sciences, and Chinese Public Administration Review. His Chinese articles have been included in Chinese Public Administration Review, China Soft Science Magazine, Journal of Public Management, Studies in Science of Science, and so on. Also, he has published two books by Peking University Press (2005 and 2008) and one book by China Economy Press (2004). He has won a number of awards such as the 2009 Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Policy Analysis and Management in Asia by the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management. Lihua Yang can be contacted at: [email protected]