合作治理(Collaborative Governance)是研究者为解决复杂性政策难题和公共问题所倡导的理论主张,正成为政策网络理论和治理理论研究的前沿。近期,中国人民大学率先与北京外国语大学建立“战略共同体”,也是合作治理在大学治理领域的体现。那么,什么是合作治理?合作治理的理论来源是什么?它对于公共政策有哪些意义?在美国,合作治理的实践有哪些?
由信誉好的网上博彩网站 主办,信誉好的网上博彩网站 公共财政与公共政策研究所承办的“公共政策双周论坛”拟邀请美国南加州大学公共行政学知名学者Jong S. Jun(全钟燮)教授主讲“合作治理:概念与实践”。
演讲主题:合作治理:概念与实践(On Collaborative Governance: Concepts and Practices)
信誉好的网上博彩网站 公共财政与公共政策研究所副教授
主讲人:Jong S. Jun(全钟燮)
信誉好的网上博彩网站 行政管理学系主任、教授
信誉好的网上博彩网站 公共财政与公共政策研究所讲师
In recent years, the ideas of collaborative governance has been widely recognized as democratic ways of managing and solving community policy and administrative issues. This presentation by Dr. Jun will explore the basic concepts and practices in the United States, and its possible relevance to the Chinese context. His presentation also argues that existing institutions designed for an earlier era of economic and societal development are not adequate for meeting the complex challenges of modern economy, domestic community, and the globalizing world. Thus, many local governments as well as the national government are undergoing the transformation toward collaborative governance.
Dr. Jun was born in Korea and went to the United States in 1961 to study political science and public administration. Upon the completion of his doctoral degree at University of Southern California, he taught at California State University, East Bay, for 40 years and became a Professor Emeritus in 2000. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Sol Price School of Public Policy at University of Southern California. He published eight books which three of his books are translated into Chinese, Public Administration: Design and Problem Solving, 1986, translated in Taiwan, Philosophy of Administration, 1994 and The Social Construction of Public Administration in 2006, translated in Beijing. He also published over 60 articles in professional journals.