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张晓玲,博士,香港城市大学博士生导师,副教授(Tenured),中华建设管理委员会常任理事, 国际SCI收录 期刊《Journal of cleaner production》主题编辑(Subject Editor)。 

曾于2010年毕业于香港理工大学建筑与房地产学系,并于2011年执教于香港大学城市规划与设计系,后加入香港城市大学公共政策系。自2015年6月起被聘为SCI期刊Journal of Cleaner Production (2016影响因子:4.959)的主题编辑(Regional Sustainable Development Initiatives and Transformations),负责区域可持续发展与转型方向的审稿及定稿工作。同时担任多个SCI及SSCI 国际英文期刊的审稿专家。主要研究方向为可持续区域与城乡发展, 土地资源管理及制度创新,地产及建筑企业可持续竞争优势及企业环境策略等领域。作为一个具有经管学科背景的工学博士学者,她注重学科交融与跨学科研究探索,力图在区域及城市经济研究创新的同时,探索其相关管理及社会学意义,并研究应用推广的政策,相关学术成果已在Scientific Report(Nature子刊)上发表近100篇SCI/SSCI学术论文。曾应邀赴剑桥大学等海内外多所知名学府做短期的学术访问交流。目前正作为项目负责人承担若干项国家自然科学基金;目前作为项目负责人正在承担一项由香港研究资助局(RGC)资助的题为“房地產企業環境策略和財務績效之間的動態曲線關係研究”。  




Part 1“Publish or perish or publish to accomplish: are we heading in the right direction  


Part 2 Education-driven rent-gap in jiaoyufication areas: a tale of two stories in Inner city Beijing and Nanjing  

学区现象是一种教育驱动中产阶级化和房地产交易相互作用的典型表现形式。本次讲座将通过租隙理论的拓展,着重研究北京和南京内城中小康中产阶级为子女进入公立学校购买学区房的特定现象。恰如Pierre Bourdieu所言,文化资本中的租隙一旦产生将会进而转化为经济资本。在中国大多城市中需要购买一套学区房以获得进入重点名校的入场券,导致了尽管学区房老破陈旧但是转手市值仍然极高,其中的文化资本租隙是在父母放弃潜在的短期利益、追求更优教育的长远利益的过程中产生。本次讲座将描述一个南京和北京之间双城记比较故事,特别是南京开发商在名校分校旁建造郊区公寓以追寻学区房租隙。通过分析我们可以得到结论:在市场化改革的进程中,住房和教育改变了中国大型城市的社会隔离的本质,使其不再基于分层位置,而是基于文化资本追寻和保留以获得租隙的诉求。 

Jiaoyufication is a typical form of representation of the combination between education driven gentrification and real estate transaction. This seminar intends to study the specific context by well-off middle class parents for places for their children in leading state schools in the inner city of Nanjing and Beijing. We further expand the rent-gap theory in conceptual and territorial terms. As it is echoed with Pierre Bourdieu, a rent gap in cultural capital is created which can later be converted into economic capital. The process we identify is triggered by the purchase of an apartment in a catchment zone, crucial to obtaining entry into a prestigious ‘key’ school in most Chinese cities. This leads to apartments changing hands for high prices despite generally being old and dilapidated. The rent gap in cultural capital occurs when parents forego potential short-term gains to capitalize on the long-term benefits of a superior education. This is contrasted here between the tale of Nanjing and Beijing stories, where in Nanjing, property developers exploit a rent gap on suburban apartments built in the catchment of branch ‘key’ schools. The paper concludes that it is the reforms in marketization, housing and education that have transformed the nature of social segregation in large Chinese cities, so it is no longer based on hierarchical position but on the means to pursue and retain cultural capital in order to achieve rent gap in the tale of two stories.