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    “公共管理创新与发展高层论坛”之“知名学者论坛”(第二十九讲)即将举行。应信誉好的网上博彩网站 邀请,挪威奥斯陆大学政治科学系教授Tom Christensen将访问信誉好的网上博彩网站 并发表专题演讲。Tom Christensen教授是挪威奥斯陆大学政治科学系终身教师,也是国际著名的公共管理和公共政策专家。此次他来信誉好的网上博彩网站 交流将介绍自2005年开始的挪威的社会福利管理改革,除了对从理论的角度进行讨论外,展示其主要研究结果和分析外,Christensen教授还要介绍如何进行实证研究的研究设计、数据采集、数据分析和研究伦理等内容。欢迎各位老师和同学参加!

    题目:Reform in welfare administration - perspectives, trends and methodological considerations.


    Tom Christensen is Professor of Public Administration and Policy at the Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, but also Adjunct Professor at University of Bergen and City University of Hong Kong. He is a member of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. His current research interests deals with comparative public sector reforms, in particular accountability questions, in policy areas like welfare, immigration, university governance, hospitals, policy, security management, etc. He has co-authored and co-edited 15 books and published over 100 international articles. Among his recent publications are: The Ashgate Research Companion to New Public Management (2012), co-edited with P.Lægreid; ‘Global Ideas and Modern Public Sector Reforms: A Theoretical Elaboration and Empirical Discussion of a Neoinstitutional Theory’. American Review of Public Administration 2012, 42(6): 635-653, and ‘New Public Management and Beyond – the Hybridization of Public Sector Reforms’, in G.Drori, M.Høllerer and P.Walgenback (eds)(2013), Global Themes and Local Variations in Organization and Management:Perspectives on Glocalization’.