讲座地点:求是楼 216教室
陆毅博士现任教于美国纽约城市大学公共管理系(终身教职,Tenured).多年以来,她致力于公共预算与财政管理的教学与研究.研究成果发表于美国< <公共预算与财政> >,< <公共绩效和管理评论> >,< <地方财政> >,< <公共预算,会计和财政管理> >,< <公共服务绩效> >等各类国外期刊和书籍.她注重实践型公共行政教育模式,教育心得发表于< <美国公共事务教育> >期刊.曾获纽约州立大学个人发展奖,密苏里大学杰出学术成就奖和杜鲁门信誉好的网上博彩网站 Chester A. Baker 奖.多项研究项目获得私人和相关机构的赞助.
陆毅博士的多项学术研究为政策决策咨询做出贡献。曾任美国政府财经协会 (GFOA) 政府绩效管理项目顾问, 2012 完成了IBM 政府研究中心的 全美 政府绩效 管理的课题。 曾任美国商务部Broome县分支政府重组委员会成员,美国纽约市2010税收分析研究员,密苏里大学社区政策分析中心研究助理,密苏里国际培训中心项目协调人。
同时,她多方位服务于公共行政领域。她是现任美国公共行政协会中国分会官方期刊--“中国公共行政评论”执行编辑,领域中极少数女性编辑, 纽约城市大学约翰杰分校中国事务主管, 曾代表该大学 担任“公开社会基金”所投中国合作项目教职带头人,国际货币基金组织公共财政管理博客客座撰稿人, 多本杂志审稿人, 中国公共行政评论编辑委员会委员,曾任美国公共行政协会公共绩效和管理分会会员主管, 中国留美公共管理学会第一任新闻期刊主编.曾先后应邀在美国马里兰大学,乔治亚大学, 新家坡南洋理工大学 (市长班),台湾中央警察大学, 浙江工业大学,华中科技大学,西安交通大学做报告.在校内, 她曾任纽约州立大学公共管理系师资队伍建设委员会以及招生委员会成员,纽约城市大学公共管理系管理类教学评估委员会委员,纽约城市大学公共行政远程教育的带头人之一。陆毅博士毕业于美国乔治亚大学.
Dr. Yi Lu is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Public Management at John Jay College City University of New York (CUNY). Her primary research interests are performance budgeting and financial management. Her studies have been published in The Public Budgeting and Finance Journal, The Public Performance and Management Review, State and Local Government Review, The Municipal Finance Journal, The Public Service Performance and etc. She is devoted to the education of fiscal administration and is particularly interested in experiential learning via service learning. Her work on the education of public administration has been published in the journals, such as Journal of Public Affairs Education. Dr.Lu has received the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award from University of Missouri, the Individual Development Award from SUNY Binghamton, a Service-Learning Grant, and Online Skills Clinic Design Grant. Several of her projects have been funded by external funders.
Dr. Lu is interested in the contribution of research to policy making. She has served as an advisor for Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)’s project on performance management and measurement in government, and was awarded a competitive research stipend from the IBM Center for the Business of Government (2011) to conduct performance budgeting study across 50 states. She was also a member of the Consolidation Committee at the Chamber of Commerce in Broome County, New York; research assistant for the Community Policy Analysis Center at University of Missouri; and worked on the report “A Guide to New York City Taxes: History, Issues and Concerns,” sponsored by the Peter J. Solomon Company, L.P.
Over the years, she has served communities in various capacities. Currently, she serves as the editor for the Journal Chinese Public Administration Review, the official journal of the China Section of the American Society for Public Administration. She was also the faculty liaison of the China project funded by the Open Society at City University of New York-John Jay College. She was a blog author at Public Financial Management Blog for the International Monetary Fund (IMF)--Fiscal Affairs Department, and member of the Student Evaluation of Faculty Committee at John Jay. In addition to serving the Editorial Board of the Journal of Public Administration (in China), Dr. Lu was the first Editor-in-chief of The China-America Association for Public Affairs Newsletter and worked as a reviewer for various journals in public administration. She was invited to give lectures on various occasions, including but not limited to: University of Maryland, University of Georgia, NanYang Technological University of Singapore (the Mayor’s class), Taiwan Central Police University, Zhejiang University of Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University.
Yi Lu received her PH.D from the University of Georgia-Athens.