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主讲嘉宾:Jessica Li, UIUC(伊利诺伊香槟分校)副教授;

            Journal of Human Resource Development International 副主编


            Technology Advancement and the Future of HRD Research





    杰斯卡·李是美国著名的人力资源开发专家,拥有超过25年的从业经验,服务于商业机构以及学术机构。她目前是伊利诺伊香槟分校副教授,人力资源开发项目主任。同时她还担任Journal of Human Resource Development International学术期刊副主编,Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management学术期刊区域主编,还是美国人力资源开发学会成员。

    Jessica is a seasoned human resource development professional with more than 25 years of working experience in both business corporations and academic institutions. She is currently an associate professor of human resource development (HRD) at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign where she serves as the interim director of HRD program and dean’s fellow of faculty development and diversity initiatives. She is also the associate editor of the Journal of Human Resource Development International, regional editor for the Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management, and a member of the board of directors at the Academy of Human Resource Development. Jessica also worked as a senior research fellow of The Conference Board and is affiliated with the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies. Before joining the faculty at Illinois she taught at the University of North Texas, Texas A&M University, and North China University of Technology. Prior to becoming a professor, Jessica worked as a business executive for Motorola, Raytheon, and Nokia. She has published more than 50 journal articles and book chapters, and co-authored a book. She is a recipient of multiple grants including grants from the US National Science Foundation and Department of Education. She has been giving invited talks on subjects related human resource development, corporate university, talent management, technology and HRD.