6月5日 June 5 |
8:00-20:00 |
注册报到Registration 友谊宾馆四号楼No.4 Building Friendship Hotel |
18:00-19:30 |
欢迎自助Welcome Buffet 友谊宾馆友谊宫自助餐厅Coffee Shop(Bar) Friendship Palace |
6月6日 June 6
7:00-8:10 |
早餐Breakfast 友谊宾馆友谊宫自助餐厅Coffee Shop(Bar) Friendship Palace |
8:20 |
大巴:宾馆到逸夫会议中心 Bus from Hotel to YCC |
9:00-9:40 |
全体大会1Plenary Sessions I 逸夫会议中心Yifu Conference Center |
9:40-10:10 |
全体照、茶歇Group Photo & Tea Break |
10:10-12:00 |
全体大会2 Plenary Session II 逸夫会议中心Yifu Conference Center |
12:10-13:50 |
午餐Lunch 汇贤食府Huixian Dining Hall |
14:00-15:40 |
小组讨论Panel Discussion 求是楼Qiushi Building |
15:40-16:00 |
茶歇Tea Break 求是楼Qiushi Building |
16:00-17:40 |
小组讨论Panel Discussion 求是楼Qiushi Building |
17:45-19:30 |
晚宴Banquet 1958餐厅1958 Restaurant |
19:40 |
大巴:1958餐厅到宾馆 Bus from 1958 Restaurant to Hotel |
6月7日 June 7
7:00-8:10 |
早餐Breakfast 友谊宾馆友谊宫自助餐厅Coffee Shop(Bar) Friendship Palace |
8:20 |
大巴:宾馆到求是楼 Bus from Hotel toQiushiBuilding |
9:00-10:20 |
小组讨论Panel Discussion 求是楼Qiushi Building |
10:20-10:30 |
茶歇Tea Break 求是楼Qiushi Building |
10:30-12:10 |
中英文学术发表圆桌论坛 Round-table Conference for Journal Publications 求是楼Qiushi Building |
12:10-12:30 |
闭幕式Closing Ceremony 求是楼Qiushi Building |
12:30-13:50 |
午餐Lunch 汇贤食府Huixian Dining Hall |
14:00 |
大巴:汇贤到宾馆 Bus from Huixian to Hotel |
Venue: the First Auditorium,YIFUConferenceCenter(YCC)
Plenary Sessions I:June 6th, 9:00-9:40 AM
主持人:蓝志勇(信誉好的网上博彩网站 副院长)
Chair: G. Zhiyong, LAN, Vice-Dean of SPAP, Renmin UniversityofChina
1 |
中国人民大学党委常务副书记张建明教授 ZHANG Jianming Executive Vice Chairman of the University Council,RenminUniversityofChina |
致欢迎辞 Welcome Speech |
2 |
中国行政管理学会执行副会长兼秘书长高小平 GAO Xiaoping Executive Vice President and Secretary-General, Chinese Public Administration Society |
致欢迎辞 Welcome Speech |
3 |
美国罗格斯大学公共事务与管理信誉好的网上博彩网站 院长、美国公共行政学会前会长马克·霍哲教授 Marc HOLZER Dean,SchoolofPublic Affairsand Administration (SPAA), Rutgers University-Newark Former President, American Society for Public Administration |
致欢迎辞并介绍美国公共行政学会 Welcome Speech and Introduction of the American Society for Public Administration |
4 |
国际行政科学学会副会长吴江 WU Jiang Vice President, International Institute of Administrative Sciences |
致欢迎辞并介绍国际行政科学学会 Welcome Speech and Introduction of the InternationalinstituteofAdministrative Sciences |
5 |
清华大学信誉好的网上博彩网站 院长薛澜教授 XUE Lan Dean,SchoolofPublic Policyand Management,TsinghuaUniversity |
致欢迎辞 Welcome Speech |
6 |
信誉好的网上博彩网站 院长、全国公共管理专业学位研究生教育指导委员会秘书长董克用教授 DONG Keyong Dean,SchoolofPublicAdministration and Policy,RenminUniversityofChina Secretary General, National MPA Education Steering Committee |
致欢迎辞并介绍中国公共管理专业学位硕士教育现状 Welcome Speech and Introduction of the Conference and MPA Education inChina |
全体照及茶歇: 9:40-10:10
Group Photo & Tea Break: 9:40-10:10 AM
全体大会(2): 10:10-12:00
Plenary SessionⅡ: 10:10 AM -12:00 PM
主持人:董克用(信誉好的网上博彩网站 院长)
Chair: DONG Keyong, Dean of SPAP,RenminUniversityofChina
1 |
美国公共行政学会前会长、罗格斯大学公共事务与管理信誉好的网上博彩网站 院长马克·霍哲教授 Marc HOLZER, Professor, Dean of School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA), Rutgers University-Newark Campus & Former President, American Society for Public Administration |
美国公共管理的新趋势:中国公共管理的机遇与挑战——基于美国经验 Emerging Trends in American Public Administration: Opportunities and Obstacles for Chinese Public Administration Based on theU.S.Experience |
2 |
美国公共行政学会前会长、中佛罗里达大学刘国材教授 K. Tom LIOU, Professor,University of CentralFlorida& Former President, American Society for Public Administration |
政府改革中的重大问题 Critical Issues in Government Reforms |
3 |
哈佛大学肯尼迪政府信誉好的网上博彩网站 资深教授与国际公共管理杂志主编斯蒂芬·卡尔门教授 Steven KELMAN, Albert J. Weatherhead III and Richard W. Weatherhead Professor of Public Management, Harvard University & Editor, International Public Management Journal |
西方和中国的绩效评估 Performance Measurement in the West andChina |
4 |
信誉好的网上博彩网站 副院长蓝志勇教授 G. Zhiyong LAN, Professor, Vice-Dean of School of Public Administration and Policy,RenminUniversityofChina |
中国建设现代治理体系和现代治理能力的努力 Efforts in Building a Modern Governance System and Modern Governance Capacity inChina |
Closing Ceremony
Venue: Lecture Hall, the 4th Floor,QiushiBuilding
Time:June 7th, 12:10-12:30 PM
主持人:许光建(信誉好的网上博彩网站 副院长)
Chair: XU Guangjian, Vice-Dean of SPAP, Renmin UniversityofChina
Invited Speakers:
CHENG Tianquan
Professor, Former Chairman of the University Council,RenminUniversityofChina
马克·霍哲教授,美国公共行政学会前会长、罗格斯大学公共事务与管理信誉好的网上博彩网站 院长
Professor, Dean,SchoolofPublic Affairsand Administration (SPAA), Rutgers University-Newark Campus
Former President, American Society for Public Administration
董克用教授,信誉好的网上博彩网站 院长、全国公共管理专业学位研究生教育指导委员会秘书长
DONG Keyong
Professor, Dean,SchoolofPublicAdministration and Policy,RenminUniversityofChina
Secretary General, National MPA Education Steering Committee
Meeting the Editors: A Super Panel Round-table for Journal Publications (Journal editors shall introduce their journals, publication requirements, and entertain questions from the audience)
时 间:2014年6月7日上午10:30-12:10
Time: 10:30 AM -12:10 PM, June 7, 2014
地 点:求是楼四层报告厅
Venue: Lecture Hall, 4th Floor,QiushiBuilding
主持人:信誉好的网上博彩网站 副院长,《公共管理与政策评论》主编蓝志勇教授
Chair: G. Zhiyong LAN, Professor, Vice Dean, School of Administration and Policy, RenminUniversityofChina, and Editor-in-Chief, Public Administration and Policy Review
嘉 宾:
Invited Speakers:
斯蒂芬·卡尔门,哈佛大学肯尼迪政府信誉好的网上博彩网站 教授,英文期刊《国际公共管理》主编
Steven KELMAN, Albert J. Weatherhead III and Richard W. Weatherhead Professor of Public Management,HarvardUniversity. Editor, International Public Management Journal
Shuisheng ZHAO, Professor,UniversityofDenver. Editor in Chief, Journal of ContemporaryChina
杨开峰,信誉好的网上博彩网站 副院长、教授,英文期刊《绩效与生产力评论》执行主编
Kaifeng YANG, Professor, Vice Dean, School of Public Administration and Policy,RenminUniversityofChina. Managing Editor, Review of Performance and Productivity
MI Jianing, Professor of Public Management, Harbin Institute of Technology. Managing Editor, Journal of Public Management
鲍 静,《中国行政管理》杂志社社长
BAO Jing, President, Publishing Housing of Chinese Public Administration
ZHANG Kangzhi, Chief Advisor, Public Administration (Replicated Journals ofRenminUniversityofChina)
Track 1: Modern Governance Theories and Practices
小组 |
主持人 |
点评人 |
会议室 |
时间 |
1-1:治理理论新发展 Panel 1-1: Development in Governance Theory |
米家宁 MI, Jianing |
李文钊 LI, Wenzhao |
求是楼317 Room 317 Qiushi Building |
6月6日16:00-17:40 6th June 16:00-17:40 |
1-2:地方政府发展策略 Panel 1-2: Local Government Strategy |
高恩新 GAO, Enxin |
蔡礼强 CAI, Liqiang
吴爱明 WU, Aiming |
求是楼317 Room 317 Qiushi Building |
6月6日14:00-15:40 6th June 14:00-15:40 |
1-3:公共服务提供的前沿研究 Panel 1-3: Frontiers of Public Service Delivery |
陈汉宣 CHAN, Hon S |
陈泰昌 CHEN, Taichang |
求是楼216 Room 216 Qiushi Building |
6月6日14:00-15:40 6th June 14:00-15:40 |
1-4:城市治理实践 Panel 1-4: Practices of Urban Governance |
张再生 ZHANG, Zaisheng |
张磊 ZHANG, Lei |
求是楼203 Room 203 Qiushi Building |
6月6日14:00-15:40 6th June 14:00-15:40 |
1-5:多中心治理的应用与实践 Panel 1-5: The Use and Practice of Polycentric Governance |
Janine O’Flynn |
范永茂 FAN, Yongmo |
求是楼420 Room 420 Qiushi Building |
6月7日9:00-10:20 7th June 9:00-10:20 |
1-6:腐败与反腐败 Panel 1-6: Corruption and Anti-corruption Efforts |
ANG, Yuen Yuen |
祁凡骅 QI, Fanhua |
求是楼319 Room 319 Qiushi Building |
6月6日14:00-15:40 6th June 14:00-15:40 |
1-7:公共部门学习与创新 Panel 1-7: Learning and Innovation in Public Sector Organizations |
耿焱 GENG, Yan |
胡 威 HU, Wei |
求是楼439 Room 439 Qiushi Building |
6月6日16:00-17:40 6th June 16:00-17:40 |
1-8:新公共管理与其他 Panel 1-8: New Public Management and Beyond |
张梦中 ZHANG, Mengzhong |
尚虎平 SHANG, Huping |
求是楼420 Room 420 Qiushi Building |
6月6日16:00-17:40 6th June 16:00-17:40 |
Track 2: Finance and Participatory Budgeting
小组 |
主持人 |
点评人 |
会议室 |
时间 |
2-1:财政与参与式公共预算 Panel 2-1: Finance and Participatory Budgeting |
WANG, XiaoHu |
许光建 XU, Guangjian |
求是楼419 Room 419 Qiushi Building |
6月6日16:00-17:40 6th June 16:00-17:40 |
Track 3: Transparency and Citizen Trust in Government
小组 |
主持人 |
点评人 |
会议室 |
时间 |
3-1:透明度与信息公开 Panel 3-1: Transparency and Citizen Trust in Government |
COOPER, Terry |
李青 LI, Qing 程秀英 CHENG, Xiuying |
求是楼218 Room 218 Qiushi Building |
6月6日14:00-15:40 6th June 14:00-15:40 |
Track 4: Public Organization Reform
小组 |
主持人 |
点评人 |
会议室 |
时间 |
4-1:公共部门改革新途径 Panel 4-1: New Pathways in Public Sector Reform |
姜晓萍 JIANG, Xiaoping |
张璋 ZHANG, Zhang |
求是楼318 Room 318 Qiushi Building |
6月6日16:00-17:20 6th June 16:00-17:20 |
4-2:公共组织的改变与变革 Panel 4-2: Change and Reform in Public Organizations |
姚先国 YAO, Xianguo |
包元杰 BAO, Yuanjie |
求是楼203 Room 203 Qiushi Building |
6月7日9:00-10:20 7th June 9:00-10:20 |
Track 5: Performance Management
小组 |
主持人 |
点评人 |
会议室 |
时间 |
5-1:绩效管理的优势与困境 Panel 5-1: The Wows and Woes of Performance Management |
杨开峰 YANG,Kaifeng |
陈汉宣 CHAN, Hon S. |
求是楼216 Room 216 Qiushi Building |
6月6日16:00-17:40 6th June 16:00-17:40 |
5-2:公共部门绩效管理 Panel 5-2: Public Sector Performance Management |
方振邦 FANG, Zhenbang |
李超平 LI, Chaoping |
求是楼216 Room 216 Qiushi Building |
6月7日9:00-10:20 7th June 9:00-10:20 |
5-3:公共与非盈利部门中的员工绩效考核 Panel 5-3: Employee performance Appraisal in Public and Non-profit Sectors |
GAO, Jie |
求是楼320 Room 320 Qiushi Building |
6月7日9:00-10:20 7th June 9:00-10:20 |
5-4:政府与公共服务绩效评估中的公民参与 Panel 5-4: Citizen Participation in Performance Evaluation of Government and Public Service |
ANG, Yuen Yuen |
曹琦 CAO, Qi |
求是楼319 Room 319 Qiushi Building |
6月6日16:00-17:40 6th June 16:00-17:40 |
5-5:公共卫生绩效管理 Panel 5-5: Performance Management in Public Health Sectors |
吕兰婷 LYU, Lanting |
求是楼203 Room 203 Qiushi Building |
6月6日16:00-17:40 6th June 16:00-17:40 |
Track 6: Governance Tool
小组 |
主持人 |
点评人 |
会议室 |
时间 |
6-1:协同治理:理论与经验检验 Collaborative Governance: Theory and Empirical Tests |
赵穗生 ZHAO, Suisheng |
张康之 ZHANG, Kangzhi |
求是楼419 Room 419 Qiushi Building |
6月7日9:00-10:20 7th June 9:00-10:20 |
6-2:环境治理中的地方政府协作 Panel 6-2: Inter-local Collaboration in Environmental Policy and Management |
黄燕芬 HUANG, Yanfen |
黄燕芬 HUANG, Yanfen
钟玮 ZHONG, Wei |
求是楼439 Room 439 Qiushi Building |
6月6日14:00-15:40 6th June 14:00-15:40 |
Track 7: Public Sector Leadership Capacity: Development for Efficient and Effective Public Management
小组 |
主持人 |
点评人 |
会议室 |
时间 |
7-1:公共部门领导核心能力:致力于高效且有效的公共运营 Panel 7-1: Public Sector Leadership Capacity: Development for Efficient and Effective Public Management |
HUGHES, Owen |
刘昕 LIU, Xin |
求是楼317 Room 317 Qiushi Building |
6月7日9:00-10:20 7th June 9:00-10:20 |
Track 8: The Role of NGO in New Governance
小组 |
主持人 |
点评人 |
会议室 |
时间 |
8-1:公共治理中的NGO参与 Panel 8-1: NGO Involvement in Governance |
曹现强 CAO, Xianqiang |
娜拉 NA, La |
求是楼318 Room 318 Qiushi Building |
6月7日9:00-10:20 7th June 9:00-10:20 |
8-2:公共与非营利部门在公共服务提供中的互动 Panel 8-2: Public-nonprofit Interaction in Public Service Providing |
王佃利 WANG, Dianli |
魏娜 WEI, Na |
求是楼319 Room 319 Qiushi Building |
6月7日9:00-10:20 7th June 9:00-10:20 |
Track 9: Linking Civic Engagement, Civil Society, and Governance: A Comparative Perspective
小组 |
主持人 |
会议室 |
时间 |
9:联结公民参与、公民社会与治理:一个比较的视角 Panel 9: Linking Civic Engagement, Civil Society, and Governance: A Comparative Perspective |
COOPER, Terry |
求是楼218 Room 218 Qiushi Building |
6月7日9:00-10:20 7th June 9:00-10:20 |
Track 10: Round-table Conference on Government Performance
小组 |
主持人 |
会议室 |
时间 |
10-1:政府绩效圆桌会议 Panel 10-1: Round-table Conference on Government Performance |
刘颖 LIU, Ying |
求是楼320 Room 320 Qiushi Building |
6月6日14:00-15:40 6th June 14:00-15:40 |
10-2:政府绩效圆桌会议 Panel 10-2: Round-table Conference on Government Performance |
刘颖 LIU, Ying |
求是楼320 Room 320 Qiushi Building |
6月6日16:00-17:40 6th June 16:00-17:40 |
Track 11: Conference for Editors of Public Administration and Policy
小组 |
主持人 |
会议室 |
时间 |
11-1:《公共管理与政策评论》编辑会议 Panel 11-1: Conference for Editors of Review of Public Administration and Policy |
蓝志勇 LAN, Zhiyong |
求是楼420 Room 420 Qiushi Building |
6月6日14:00-15:40 6th June 14:00-15:40 |
TRACK 1: Modern Governance Theories and Practices
1. 小组1-1:治理理论新发展(主持人:米家宁;点评人:李文钊)
Panel 1-1: Development in Governance Theory (Chair: MI, Jianing; Discussant: LI, Wenzhao)
时间:6月6日16:00-17:40 Time: 6th June 16:00-17:40
地点:求是楼317 Place: Room 317,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact information |
中国的公共争端解决:一种新兴的治理工具 Public Dispute Resolution inChina: An Emerging Tool for Governance |
李婷婷 LI, Tingting |
中国民航大学 CivilAviationUniversityofChina |
讲师 Assistant Professor |
社会资本视阀下的农村环境治理研究——以西芹水厂水源地周边地区为例 Rural Environmental Governance from Social Capital’s Perspective: A Case Study in Xiqin’s Water Source Surrounding Area |
杜焱强 DU, Yanqiang |
福建农林大学 Fujian Agriculture andForestryUniversity |
研究生 Postgraduate
提高政府治理能力和水平系统思考 Improvement in Governance Capability and Excellence |
董立仁 DONG, Liren |
河南省委党校 Henan ProvincialPartySchool |
教授 Professor |
2. 小组1-2:地方政府发展策略(主持人:高恩新;点评人:蔡礼强;吴爱明)
Panel 1-2: Local Government Strategy(Chair: GAO, Enxin; Discussant: CAI, Liqiang; WU, Aiming)
时间:6月6日14:00-15:40 Time: 6th June 14:00-15:40
地点:求是楼317 Place: Room 317,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
金融下行中的地方政府策略与府际关系:基于美国的经验 Local Government Strategies and Intergovernmental Relationships in the Financial Downturn: Lessons from theU.S. |
张亚红 ZHANG, Yahong |
美国罗格斯大学纽瓦克分校 Rutgers UniversityatNewark |
副教授 Associate Professor |
缺失权力的地方管治:巴基斯坦的“拼凑”之路 Local Governance without power: A Patchy way inPakistan |
BEBE, Kalsoom |
华中科技大学 Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
博士研究生 PhD Student |
3. 小组1-3:公共服务提供的前沿研究(主持人:陈汉宣;点评人:陈泰昌)
Panel 1-3: Frontiers of Public Service Delivery (Chair: Hon S. Chan; Discussant: CHEN, Taichang)
时间:6月6日14:00 - 15:40 Time: 6th June 14:00 - 15:40
地点:求是楼216 Place: Room 216,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 PaperTitle |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
基于SWOT分析的我国社工机构发展模式之比较 Development Modes of China’s Social Work Agencies: Based on SWOT Analysis |
顾湘 GU, Xiang |
上海海洋大学 Shanghai OceanUniversity |
副教授 Associate Professor |
尼日利亚公共服务提供的代理机构化:基于拉各斯州公共机构的实证研究 Agencification of Public Service Delivery inNigeria: An Empirical Study of Selected Public Agencies inLagosState |
FATILE, Jacob Olufemi |
尼日利亚拉各斯州立大学 Lagos StateUniversityOjo,Nigeria |
高级讲师 Senior Lecturer |
基于中国核心价值观的大学生公共服务动机研究——以上海市青浦区2014届高校毕业生为个案College Students’ Public Services Motivation in the Perspective of National Core Value: A Case of College Graduates of Grade 2014 in Qingpu District ofShanghai |
宋锦洲 SONG,Jinzhou |
华东师范大学 East ChinaNormalUniversity |
副教授 Associate Professor |
适应新型城镇化的公共服务均等化政策研究Adapting to New-Type Urbanization: A Study on Public Service Equalization Policy |
陈华笠 CHEN, Huali |
西南交通大学 Southwest JiaotongUniversity |
研究生 Postgraduate |
服务型政府建设应重视服务能力的提升 Constructing Service-Oriented Government and Building Service Capability |
王锋 WANG, Feng |
中国矿业大学 China MiningUniversity |
副教授 Associate Professor |
4. 小组1-4:城市治理实践 (主持人:张再生;点评人:张磊)
Panel 1-4: Practices of Urban Governance (Chair: ZHANG, Zaisheng; Discussant: ZHANG, Lei)
时间:6月6日14:00 - 15:40 Time: 6th June 14:00 - 15:40
地点:求是楼203 Place: Room 203,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact information |
新建小区公共事务治理机制研究 Governance Mechanism of Newly Constructed Communities |
陈新明 CHEN, Xinming |
北京林业大学 Beijing ForestryUniversity |
讲师 Assistant Professor |
基于东方文化的中国基层关系型治理模式与机制研究 Guanxi Governance Model and Mechanism in GrassrootChina: An Orientalism Perspective |
张再生 ZHANG, Zaisheng |
天津大学 Tianjin University |
教授 Professor |
5. 小组1-5:多中心治理的应用与实践(主持人:Janine O’Flynn;点评人:范永茂)
Panel 1-5: The Use and Practice of Polycentric Governance (Chair: O’FLYNN, Janine; Discussant: FAN, Yongmao)
时间:6月7日9:00 - 10:20 Time: 7th June 9:00 - 10:20
地点:求是楼420 Place: Room 420,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact information |
中国新兴的多中心治理模式:一项实证研究 The Emerging Pattern of Polycentric Governance inChina: An Empirical Analysis |
张昕 ZHANG, Xin |
中国人民大学 Renmin UniversityofChina |
副教授 Associate Professor |
公共治理视角下我国电子健康的发展研究 E-health Development inChina: A Public Governance Perspective |
孙启贵 SUN, Qigui 王庆莲 WANG, Qinglian |
中国科学技术大学 University ofScienceand Technology ofChina |
副教授 Associate Professor 研究生 Postgraduate |
智慧城市的治理:在共识缺失下,以边界对象联接合作框架 Governing the “SmartCity”: Using Boundary Objects to Articulate a Framework for Collaboration in the Absence of Consensus |
LINDERS, Dennis |
美国马里兰大学 University ofMaryland |
博士生 PhD Student |
开放政府数据的因素与机理初探:系统动力学的视角 Factors and Mechanisms in Opening Government Data: A System Dynamics’ View |
郑磊 ZHENG, Lei |
复旦大学 Fudan University |
副教授 Associate Professor |
6. 小组1-6:腐败与反腐败 (主持人:Yuen Yuen ANG;点评人:祁凡骅)
Panel 1-6: Corruption and Anti-corruption Efforts (Chair: ANG, Yuen Yuen; Discussant: QI, Fanhua)
时间:6月6日14:00 - 15:40 Time: 6th June 14:00 - 15:40
地点:求是楼319 Place: Room 319,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact information |
当代中国的庇护主义、集体行动与商业联系 Clientelism, Collective Action, and Business Associations in ContemporaryChina |
丁元 TING, Yuan |
加利福尼亚州立大学富勒顿分校 California State University-Fullerton |
教授 Professor, Chair of Public Administration |
在大中华区与腐败斗争:政治领袖、改革与治理 Combating Corruption in GreaterChina: Political Leader, Reform and Governance |
曹景均 TSAO, King Kwun |
香港中文大学 TheChineseUniversityofHong Kong |
副教授 Associate Professor |
国家廉政治理视角下纪检体制改革的实践路径 Practice Approach of Discipline System Reform: From State Integrity Administration’s Perspective |
庄德水 ZHUANG, Deshui |
北京大学廉政建设研究中心 Center for Anti-Corruption Studies ofPekingUniversity |
副教授 Associate Professor
7. 小组1-7:公共部门学习与创新(主持人:耿焱;点评人:胡威)
Panel 1-7: Learning and Innovation in Public Sector Organizations (Chair: GENG, Yan; Discussant: HU, Wei)
时间:6月6日16:00-17:40 Time: 6th June 16:00-17:40
地点:求是楼439 Place: Room 439,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper Title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
国家创新能力与公共部门创新能力一致吗?——基于欧洲地区的测评体系与经验数据的比较分析 Are National Innovation Capacity Consistent with Public Sector Innovation Capacity? A Comparative Analysis Based on European Region’s Evaluation System and Empirical Data |
田蕴祥 TIAN, Yunxiang |
武汉大学 Wuhan University
副教授 Associate Professor |
学习机制与政策执行模式 Learning Mechanism and Policy Execution Modes |
杨宏山 YANG, Hongshan |
中国人民大学 Renmin UniversityofChina |
副教授 Associate Professor |
Web2.0时代的网络政治与社会治理创新研究 Cyberpolitics and Social Governance Innovation in Age of Web 2.0 |
刘文富 LIU, Wenfu |
上海开放大学 Shanghai Open University
教授 Professor |
8. 小组1-8:新公共管理与其他 (主持人:张梦中;点评人:尚虎平)
Panel 1-8: New Public Management and Beyond (Chair: ZHANG, Mengzhong; Discussant: SHANG, Huping)
时间:6月6日16:00-17:40 Time: 6th June 16:00-17:40
地点:求是楼420 Place: Room 420,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
后新公共管理:中国的一项新管理范式? Post New Public Management: A New Administrative Paradigm forChina? |
范永茂 FAN, Yongmao |
中国人民大学 Renmin UniversityofChina |
副教授 Associate Professor |
基于网络组织理论的中国区域协作治理:一项区域间“9+2”协议的研究 A Network Approach to Regional Collaborative Governance inChina: A Case of “9+2” Interlocal Agreements |
锁利铭 SUO, Liming |
电子科技大学 University of Electronic Science and Technology ofChina |
副教授 Associate Professor |
西方管理模型在现代中国的制度环境:基于俄罗斯的经验 The Western Managerial Models in the Institutional Environment of ModernChina: Experience forRussia |
彼尔姆州立大学 Perm StateUniversity |
讲师 Assistant Professor |
TRACK 2: Public Finance and Participatory Budgeting
1. 小组2-1:财政与参与式公共预算 (主持人:WANG XiaoHu;点评人:许光建)
Panel 2-1: Finance and Participatory Budgeting (Chair: WANG, XiaoHu; Discussant: XU, Guangjian)
时间:6月6日16:00-17:40 Time: 6th June 16:00-17:40
地点:求是楼419 Place: Room 419,QiushiBuilding
TRACK 3: Transparency and Citizen Trust in Government
1. 小组3-1:透明度与政府信任(主持人:Terry COOPER;点评人:李青,程秀英)
Panel 3-1: Transparency and Citizen Trust in Government (Chair: COOPER, Terry; Discussant: LI, Qing; CHENG, Xiuying)
时间:6月6日14:00 - 15:40 Time: 6th June 14:00 - 15:40
地点:求是楼218 Place: Room 218,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper Title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
如何测量政府透明度:来自中国城市的证据 How to Measure Government Transparency?: Evidence from Chinese Cities |
MA, Liang |
新加坡南洋理工大学 Nanyang Technological University |
研究员 Research Fellow |
孟加拉国的政府信任:概念、问题与解决方案 Trust in Governance inBangladesh: Ideas, Issues and Solutions |
MAHMUD, Rifat |
孟加拉国博里萨尔大学 University of Barisal,Bangladesh |
讲师 Lecturer |
对公民充耳不闻,抑或是将公民反馈转化为持续改善:近期的最佳实践 Turning a Deaf Ear to Citizen or How to Translate Citizen Feedback into Continuous Improvement: Recent Best Practices |
MINELLI, Alessandro |
意大利卡罗·卡塔内奥大学 LIUC Università Carlo Cattaneo |
博士研究生 PhD Student |
中西协商民主的趋同性分析 Similarity inChinaand the West’ Deliberative Democracy |
张敏 ZHANG, Min |
东南大学 Southeast University |
副教授 Associate Professor |
TRACK 4: Public Organization Reform
1. 小组4-1:公共部门改革新途径 (主持人:姜晓萍;点评人:张璋)
Panel 4-1: New Pathways in Public Sector Reform (Chairl: JIANG, Xiaoping; Discussant: ZHANG, Zhang)
时间:6月6日16:00-17:20 Time: 6th June 16:00-17:20
地点:求是楼318 Place: Room 318,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
中国事业单位改革动力再分析 Reform Impetus of China’s Public Institutions |
朱艳鑫 ZHU, Yanxin |
青岛行政信誉好的网上博彩网站 Qingdao School of Administration |
副教授 Associate Professor |
地方环保体制三分制改革框架研究 Local Environmental System’s Tripartite System Reform Structure |
苏敏 SU, Min |
北京林业大学 Beijing ForestryUniversity |
讲师 Assistant Professor
组织理论视阈下的中国电力管理体制改革 China Electric Power Management System Reform: A Perspective of Organization Theory |
王伟 WANG, Wei 夏珑 XIA, Long |
华北电力大学 North ChinaElectricPowerUniversity |
副教授 Associate Professor 副教授 Associate Professor |
中国十年行政审批改革的特点与推进思路 A Decade’s Reform of China’s Administrative Approval System: Characteristics and Future Directions |
杜宝贵 DU, Baogui |
东北大学 NortheasternUniversity,China |
教授 Professor |
2. 小组4-2:公共组织的改变与变革 (主持人:姚先国;点评人:包元杰)
Panel 4-2: Change and Reform in Public Organizations (Chair:YAO, Xianguo; Discussant: BAO, Yuanjie)
时间:6月7日9:00 - 10:20 Time: 7th June 9:00 - 10:20
地点:求是楼203 Place: Room 203,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
计算干部:比较研究视角下的中国公务人员规模 Counting Cadres: A Comparative View of the Size of China’s Public Employment |
ANG, Yuen Yuen |
美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校 University ofMichigan-Ann Arbor
讲师 Assistant Professor |
以公共共享服务中心加速公共部门组织改革 Accelerating Public Sector Organizational Reform through Public Shared Service Centers |
宁波诺丁汉大学 University ofNottingham,Ningbo,China |
讲师 Assistant Professor |
香港水行业治理改革的制度性理性选择模型 An Institutional Rational Choice Model for Water Sector Governance Reform inHong Kong |
新加坡国立大学 National UniversityofSingapore |
博士研究生 PhD Student
困境中的中国公职人员管理 Managing Chinese Public Employees in Hot Water |
刘帮成 LIU, Bangcheng |
上海交通大学 Shanghai JiaoTongUniversity |
副教授 Associate Professor |
TRACK 5: Performance Management
1. 小组5-1:绩效管理的成就与困境 (主持人:杨开峰;点评人:陈汉宣)
Panel 5-1: Wows and Woes of Performance Management (Chair: YANG,Kaifeng; Discussant: CHAN, Hon S.)
时间:6月6日16:00-17:40 Time: 6th June 16:00-17:40
地点:求是楼216 Place: Room 216,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
电子政务如何推动政府责任:一项ZZIC创新的案例研究 How Does E-Government Promote Accountability? A Case Study of ZZIC Innovation |
吴建南 WU, Jiannan |
西安交通大学 Xi’an JiaotongUniversity |
教授 Professor |
制度化更可接受?:绩效评估中的社会制度维度 More Acceptable When Ritualized: A Social Institutional Dimension of Performance Evaluation? |
CHOI, Heungsuk |
韩国高丽大学 Korea University |
教授 Professor |
政府绩效测量改革:何者有效?以何成本实现何种目标?向前发展的挑战为何? Government Performance Measurement Reforms: What Works? What Has Been Achieved at What Costs? What Are the Challenges to Move Forward? |
GAO, Jie
CHAN, Hon S |
新加坡国立大学 National UniversityofSingapore 香港城市大学 City UniversityofHong Kong |
讲师 Assistant Professor 教授 Professor |
法律规则、警察管理与政府责任的交叉点:一项基于纽约市盘查实践的案例研究At the Intersection of Rule of Law, Police Management and Government Accountability: A Case Study of Stop and Frisk Practices inNew York City |
杨开峰 YANG,Kaifeng |
中国人民大学 Renmin UniversityofChina |
教授 Professor
2. 小组5-2:公共部门绩效管理 (主持人:方振邦;点评人:李超平)
Panel 5-2: Public Sector Performance Management (Chair: FANG, Zhenbang; Discussant: LI, Chaoping)
时间:6月7日9:00 - 10:20 Time: 7th June 9:00 - 10:20
地点:求是楼216 Place: Room 216,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
平衡计分卡在中国政府绩效管理中的应用 Exploration of Balanced Scorecard-Based Government Performance Management inChina |
方振邦 FANG, Zhenbang
葛蕾蕾 GE, Leilei |
中国人民大学 Renmin UniversityofChina
国际关系信誉好的网上博彩网站 University ofInternational Relations |
教授 Professor
讲师 Assistant Professor
服务型政府绩效评估体系研究 Performance Appraisal System in Service-oriented Government |
李涛 LI, Tao |
广西民族大学 Guangxi University for Nationalities |
教授 Professor |
如何促进NGO对于绩效评估系统的接受水平?对于韩国的案例研究 How to Boost the Level of Acceptance of Performance Appraisal Systems in NGOs? With a Focus on Korean Cases |
PARK, Sung Min |
韩国成均馆大学 Sungkyunkwan University |
副教授 Associate Professor |
探索公共高等教育机构中绩效与管理层薪资水平的联系 Exploring the Linkage between Performance and Executive Compensation in Public Higher Education Institutions |
CHENG, Shaoming |
佛罗里达国际大学 Florida InternationalUniversity |
讲师 Assistant Professor |
3. 小组5-3:公共与非盈利部门中的员工绩效考核(主持人:Mark MICHALSKI;点评人:GAO Jie)
Panel 5-3: Employee performance Appraisal in Public and Non-profit Sectors(Chair: MICHALSKI, Mark; Discussant: GAO, Jie)
时间:6月7日9:00 - 10:20 Time: 7th June 9:00 - 10:20
地点:求是楼320 Place: Room 320,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
论刑事司法绩效考核的“公正困境” Criminal and Justice Performance Appraisal: Justice Dilemma |
江文 JIANG, Wen |
中国人民大学 Renmin UniversityofChina |
博士研究生 PhD Student |
偏好的重要性:对香港警察绩效的解释 The Importance of Preferences: Explaining the Performance of Police Officers inHong Kong |
林挺进 LIN, Tingjin |
南洋理工大学 Nanyang Technological University |
研究员 Research Fellow |
应急管理的新讨论:应急质量管理系统的构建 New Discussion on the Emergency Management: The Construction of Emergency Quality Management System |
雷晓康 LEI, Xiaokang |
西北大学 NortheasternUniversity,China |
教授 Professor |
4. 小组5-4:政府与公共服务绩效评估中的公民参与 (主持人:Yuen Yuen ANG;点评人:曹琦)
Panel 5-4: Citizen Participation in Performance Evaluation of Government and Public Service (Chair: ANG, Yuen Yuen; Discussant: CAO, Qi)
时间:6月6日16:00-17:40 Time: 6th June 16:00-17:40
地点:求是楼319 Place: Room 319,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Informatiion |
马来西亚地方政府的公共服务质量评估 Evaluation of Public Service Quality at Local Government inMalaysia |
MANAF, Halimah Abdul |
马来西亚北方大学 Universiti UtaraMalaysia |
高级讲师 Senior Lecturer
基于网络的公民评估:前景与阴暗面——对于一个中国地方政府绩效测量方案的分析 The Promise and Dark Side of Internet-based Citizen Assessment: Analysis of Performance Measurement Initiatives of a Local Government inChina |
丁元 TING, Yuan
加利福尼亚州立大学富勒顿分校 California StateUniversityFullerton
教授 Professor
教授 Professor |
基于公众参与的政府绩效问责机制研究 Government Performance Accountability’s Mechanism: Based on Public Participation |
曹惠民 CAO, Huimin |
中国矿业大学 China MiningUniversity |
讲师 Assistant Professor |
5. 小组5-5:公共卫生绩效管理 (主持人:Ian KIRKPATRICK;点评人:吕兰婷)
Panel 5-5: Performance Management in Public Health Sectors (Chair: KIRKPATRICK, Ian; Discussant: LYU, Lanting)
时间:6月6日16:00-17:40 Time: 6th June 16:00-17:40
地点:求是楼203 Place: Room 203,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
医院理事会的技能混合多样化与绩效结果:来自于英国国家卫生服务的证据 Diversifying the skill mix of hospital boards and the consequences for performance: Evidence from the English National Health Service |
英国利兹大学 University ofLeeds |
教授 Professor |
医药卫生体制改革的绩效评价指标体系构建 Constructing Performance Appraisal Index System in Medial and Health System Reform |
孙启贵 SUN, Qigui 姚婷 YAO, Ting |
中国科学技术大学 University ofScienceand Technology ofChina |
副教授 Associate Professor |
中国疾病预防控制体系工作绩效评估与治理策略 Disease Control and Prevention System ofChina: Performance Appraisal and Governance Strategy |
刘鹏程 LIU, Pengcheng |
复旦大学 Fudan University |
博士研究生 PhD Student |
TRACK 6: Governance Tool
1. 小组6-1:协同治理:理论与经验检验 (主持人:赵穗生;点评人:张康之)
Panel 6-1: Collaborative Governance: Theory and Empirical Tests (Chair: ZHAO, Suisheng; Discussant: ZHANG, Kangzhi)
时间:6月7日9:00 - 10:20 Time: 7th June 9:00 - 10:20
地点:求是楼419 Place: Room 419,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
论管理的社会化及其合作治理 Management’s Socialization and its Collaborative Governance |
张乾友 ZHANG, Qianyou |
南京大学 Nanjing University |
助理研究员 Assistant Research Fellow |
论治理理论中的信任因素——谈政府和社会组织建立合作关系的依据 Trust in Governance Theory: Basis of Establishing Cooperative Relationship Between Government and Social Organization |
姜宁宁 JIANG, Ningning |
中国人民大学 Renmin UniversityofChina |
研究生 Postgraduate |
合作治理视角下男同(MSM)艾滋病患者贫困脆弱性评价及应对策略 Assessment and Coping Strategy of MSM AIDS Patients’ Poverty Vulnerability: A Collaborative Governance Perspective |
周向红 ZHOU, Xianghong |
同济大学 Tongji University |
教授 Professor |
2.小组6-2:环境治理中的地方政府协作 (主持人:黄燕芬;点评人:黄燕芬;钟玮)
Panel 6-2: Inter-local Collaboration in Environmental Policy and Management (Chair: HUANG, Yanfen; Discussant: HUANG, Yanfen; ZHONG, Wei)
时间:6月6日14:00 - 15:40 Time: 6th June 14:00 - 15:40
地点:求是楼439 Place: Room 439,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
通过网络治理提升实施能力:一项对于中国流域生态补偿网络的评估 Enhancing Implementation Capacity through Network Governance: An Assessment of Watershed Eco-compensation Networks inChina |
WANG, XiaoHu |
香港城市大学 City UniversityofHong Kong |
教授 Professor |
都市圈生态治理中的地方政府协作:集体行动的影响因素与地方官员的晋升激励 Local Governments’ Collaboration of Environmental Governance in Metropolitan Area: Influencing Factors of Collective Action and Promotion Incentives of Local Officials |
崔晶 CUI, Jing |
中央财经大学 CentralUniversityofFinanceand Economics |
副教授 Associate Professor |
从新安江案例看地方政府的协作治理: 一个政策网络的视角 Collaborative Governance of Local Governments in a Case Study of Xin’an River: a Policy Network Perspective |
于溯阳 YU, Suyang |
中国人民大学 Renmin UniversityofChina |
研究生 Postgraduate |
TRACK 7: Public Sector Leadership Capacity
1. 小组7-1:公共部门领导核心能力:致力于高效且有效的公共运营(主持人:Owen HUGHES;点评人:Tom CHRISTENSEN;刘昕)
Panel 7-1: Public Sector Leadership Capacity: Development for Efficient and Effective Public Management(Chair: HUGHES, Owen; Discussant: CHRISTENSEN, Tom; LIU, Xin)
时间:6月7日9:00 - 10:20 Time: 7th June 9:00 - 10:20
地点:求是楼317 Place: Room 317,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
组织领导,雇员赋权与创造个性:一项基于美国联邦机构的实证研究 Organizational Leadership, Employee Empowerment, and a Creative Disposition: An Empirical Analysis ofU.S.Federal Agencies |
PARK, Sung Min |
韩国成均馆大学 Sungkyunkwan University |
副教授 Associate Professor |
领导力、管理与行政 Leadership, Management and Administration |
HUGHES, Owen |
墨尔本皇家理工大学 RMIT University,Australia |
教授 Professor |
公共管理高管的领导新框架 New Frameworks for Leadership by Very Senior Public Managers |
BERMAN, Evan |
新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学 Victoria UniversityofWellington |
教授 Professor |
行动学习式领导力培训的有效性研究 Validation Study on Action Learning Type of Leadership Training |
刘颖 LIU, Ying |
中国人民大学 Renmin UniversityofChina |
副教授 Associate Professor |
中国公共部门领导力理论与途径的探析 Leadership Theory Approach inChina’s Public Sector |
卢永彬 LU, Yung Pin |
上海交通大学 Shanghai JiaoTongUniversity |
讲师 Assistant Professor |
TRACK 8: The Role of NGO in New Governance
1. 小组8-1:公共治理中的NGO参与 (主持人:曹现强;点评人:娜拉)
Panel 8-1: NGO Involvement in Governance (Chair: CAO, Xianqiang; Discussant: NA, La)
时间:6月7日9:00 - 10:20 Time: 7th June 9:00 - 10:20
地点:求是楼318 Place: Room 318,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
NGO治理网络:制度性共同行动与清洁能源NGO网络的形成 NGO Governance Network: Institutional Collective Action and Formation of Clean Energy NGO Network |
易洪涛 YI, Hongtao |
俄亥俄州立大学 TheOhioStateUniversity |
讲师 Assistant Professor |
中国新型治理体系中非盈利组织的困境与政府的责任 NGO’s Dilemma and Government’s Responsibility inChina’s New Governance System |
王斌 WANG, Bin |
西南大学 Southwest University,China |
副教授 Associate Professor |
数字时代的非盈利组织管理:认知是否改变了捐助者的行为? Managing Nonprofit Organizations in a Digit Era Does Perception Alter Donor Behavior? |
张志伟 ZHANG, Zhiwei |
堪萨斯州立大学 Kansas StateUniversity |
讲师 Assistant Professor |
2. 小组8-2:公共与非盈利部门在公共服务提供中的互动 (主持人:王佃利;点评人:魏娜)
Panel 8-2: Public-nonprofit Interaction in Public Service Providing (Chair: WANG, Dianli; Discussant: WEI, Na)
时间:6月7日9:00 - 10:20 Time: 7th June 9:00 - 10:20
地点:求是楼319 Place: Room 319,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact |
治理工具在美国社会服务非盈利组织中的影响:一项关于BCC, MFN与DCCK的实证研究 Impact of the Government Tools on the Social Service Nonprofit Organizations in theU.S.-A case Study ofMarylandFamily Network, Board of Child Care and DC Central Kitchen 9 |
张远凤 ZHANG, Yuanfeng |
中南财经政法大学 Zhongnan University of Economics and Law |
教授 Professor |
理解中国社区中的政府-非盈利组织关系:基于代理理论与管家理论的视角 Understand the Government-nonprofit Relationship in Chinese Community: From Agency Theory and Stewardship Theory Perspectives |
崔杨杨 CUI, Yangyang |
复旦大学 Fudan University |
博士研究生 PhD Student |
TRACK 9: Linking Civic Engagement, Civil Society, and Governance: A Comparative Perspective
1. 小组9-1:联结公民参与、公民社会与治理:一个比较的视角 (主持人:COOPER, Terry)
Panel 9-1: Linking Civic Engagement, Civil Society, and Governance: A Comparative Perspective
(Chair: COOPER, Terry)
时间:6月7日9:00 - 10:20 Time: 7th June 9:00 - 10:20
地点:求是楼218 Place: Room 218,QiushiBuilding
论文题目 Paper title |
发言人 Presenter |
单位 Institution |
职称 Title |
联系方式 Contact Information |
由学校强化社区 Strengthening Communities through University |
BRYER, Thomas |
中佛罗里达大学 University of Central Florida |
副教授 Associate Professor |
业主自治发展与协商民主政治演进 Owner Autonomy Development and Deliberative Democracy Evolution |
陈幽泓 CHEN, Youhong 李佩瑶 LI, Peiyao |
中国人民大学 Renmin UniversityofChina 中国劳动关系信誉好的网上博彩网站 China Institute of Industrial Relations |
副教授 Associate Professor |
Citizenship Development and Changing Local Governance inBeijing: The Case of Homeowners’ Participation |
王伟杰 WANG, Weijie 李慧 LI, Hui |
南加州大学 University ofSouthern California |
博士研究生 PhD Student |