【主讲嘉宾】乔治亚大学公共管理与政策系系主任 Bradley E. Wright教授
【主持人】信誉好的网上博彩网站 院长 杨开峰教授
【题目】“The Frontier of Public Management Research: The Case of JPART Publications”—公共管理研究的前沿:以《Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory》为例
Bradley E. Wright
Department of Public Administration and Policy
Department Head
Editor of the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Academic Biography
Bradley E. Wright, Professor and Head of the Department of Public Administration and Policy (Ph.D., State University of New York at Albany, 2001), specializes in organizational behavior. Dr. Wright’s research focuses on how employee attitudes and behavior are influenced by an interaction between characteristics of employees and their organizational work environment. Much of his most recent research has focused on public service motivation, leadership and performance management. His work has been published in the top public administration and management journals, including Administration & Society, American Review of Public Administration, International Public Management Journal, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, and Public Administration Review. Dr. Wright currently serves as the editor of the Journal of Public administration Research and Theory. Prior to joining the University of Georgia, he was on the faculty at Georgia State University and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte as well as several positions in public higher education administration in both Michigan and New York.
Professional Memberships
Academy of Management
American Society for Public Administration
National Academy of Public Administration
Public Management Research Association