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The Influential Factors of China's Regional Energy Intensity and its Spatial Linkages: 1988–2007




Yu, Huayi, 2012: "The Influential Factors of China's Regional Energy Intensity and its Spatial Linkages: 1988–2007", Energy Policy, Vol.45, pp.583-593.

A large amount of literature on China’s energy intensity seldom considers the regional differences of energy intensity inside China and the spatial effects. Based on spatial statistics methods, this paper explores the regional imbalance of China’s provincial energy intensity and the spatially correlation of energy intensity among provinces. Using spatial panel data models, this paper finds that GDP per capita, transportation infrastructure, the level of marketization, and scientific and technological input significantly reduce the energy intensity; the ratio of heavy industries to total industries and the ratio of coal consumption to total energy consumption significantly expand the energy intensity; meanwhile, the coefficient of the ratio of export to GDP is not significant. Then, the spillover and convergence of China’s regional energy intensity have been tested. The results indicate that the spillover effect between the eastern and western China is remarkable, and there exist absolute b -convergence of provincial energy intensity. Moreover, GDP per capita, transportation infrastructure, the level of marketization and scientific & technological input are conducive to conditional convergence after the spatial effects are controlled. According to the empirical results, this paper proposes some policy suggestions on reducing China’s energy intensity.



摘要: 过去有关中国能源强度的研究很少考察中国内部的地区能源强度差异以及空间效应。根据空间统计方法,这篇考察了中国各省的能源强度的非平衡性以及各省间的能源强度的空间关联性。其次,该文利用空间面板数据模型,发现人均GDP、交通基础设施、市场化程度和科技投入显著地降低了能源强度;重工业比重和煤炭占能源消耗的比重显著地推高了能源强度;出口占GDP的比重对能源强度没有显著的影响。再次,该文对中国能源强度的空间溢出性和空间收敛性进行了检验。结果显示,中国东部和西部之间的能源强度溢出非常显著,存在绝对β收敛。而且人均GDP、交通基础设施、市场化程度和科技投入有助于能源强度的条件收敛。根据实证结果,该文提出了一些降低中国能源强度的政策建议。(Energy Policy,2012年,SSCI)