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Mapping the values and culture in Chinese public sectors: an exploratory study





Ying Liu,  Yuanjie Bao  and  Wei Liu2013:“Mapping the values and culture in Chinese public sectors: an exploratory study”,Cross-cultural Management: An International JournalVol. 20 No. 4, 2013: pp. 559-577

The exploratory study introduced the tri-axial model as a basic framework of cultural value to Chinese public sectors. The study tries to display value mapping of the Chinese public sectors and to examine the relationship between the identified values with organizational outcome variables, which is normally characteristic of an exploratory research. The paper aims to discuss these issues.

404 civil servants were asked to classify 62 cultural values into three axes, emotional, economical and ethical, and to attain the importance of the 62 values. Five cultural values including happiness, belonging, harmony, achievement, and efficiency are identified to be the most important values in Chinese public sectors. Harmony and achievement were found to affect organizational outcome variables.

Sample size is relatively small, and more cultural differences have been neglected within Chinese culture. And the paper collected data twice and used different means, but analyzed the combined data, which could be problematic. The findings suggest that Chinese civil servants pay much attention on emotional-developmental type of cultural values. Ethic-related culture needs to be emphasized more on culture building behaviors both at the organizational level and at the national level.

This is the first time the tri-axial model was introduced into Chinese culture. Testing with Chinese samples, the tri-axial model appears to address some of the important limitations of previous models that were summarized before. The paper successfully grouped all the cultural values into three pre-defined axes. The most important values are identified.







本研究给我们的启示是:中国的公务员更加注重情绪的控制与感知,对于道德观和职业道德方面的价值观重视程度不够,需要在组织层面、甚至国家层面进行促进和加强。此次研究首次对价值观的三轴模型进行分析,通过用来自中国的数据的检验,证明了三轴模型具有全面性,其对价值观的分类具有合理性,基于这个模型的文化价值观研究对组织行为有较强的启示作用。(Cross-cultural Management: An International Journal,2013,SSCI)