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来源:Public Administration and Development. DOI:10.1002/pad.1878
英文标题:Diffusion models over the life cycle of aninnovation: A bottom‐up and top‐down synthesis approach
Our findings can be generalized to other contexts and to other countries. It is well known that an innovation cycle has distinctive stages: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards; each stage has its own unique characteristics. It is expected that certain diffusion models work better in certain stages. This is true in China and also in other countries. Therefore, we conjecture that our first finding (i.e., the diffusion models evolve over the life cycle of an innovation) holds in other countries as well. The first bottom-up and then top-down synthesis approach can be well applied in other countries. Local governments in other countries have certain autonomy, so they can initiate some innovations for their local needs, which is the first bottom-up part. After enough local governments succeed in an innovation, the federal (central) government may provide strong fiscal incentives or mandates to other local governments for speedy adoptions, which is the second top-down part.