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最新研究 | 信誉好的网上博彩网站 杨园园副教授合作论文在Landscape and Urban Planning刊出


标题:Mapping fine-resolution nested social-ecological system archetypes to reveal archetypical human-environmental interactions

来源:Landscape and Urban Planning (Volume 239, November 2023, 104863)

作者:杨园园(信誉好的网上博彩网站 )


             Alex de Sherbinin(美国哥伦比亚大学)


杨园园 | 信誉好的网上博彩网站 副教授


近日,信誉好的网上博彩网站 杨园园副教授与合作者在Landscape and Urban Planning上在线发表了题为“Mapping fine-resolution nested social-ecological system archetypes to reveal archetypical human-environmental interactions”的最新研究成果。

人地交互作用塑造了各种社会生态系统(SES),并对系统的可持续性产生着深远的时空影响。原型分析(archetype analysis )和制图是可持续发展研究的重要前沿领域,通过捕捉影响SES可持续性复杂因素和过程的复现模式来理解SES的动力机制。绘制SES原型已经成为一种很有前景的工具,它能够在空间上准确识别人地相互作用,并根据具体环境的挑战制定可普及的可持续性解决方案。然而,绘制SES原型图主要局限于行政边界的限制,缺乏空间细节的SES地图并不总能捕捉到SES空间格局和内在机制的具体情况。


Landscape and Urban Planning是景观和城市规划领域的国际顶级刊物,五年影响因子9.1,主要发表景观生态、景观设计、城市生态、城市规划等方向的高水平原创论文。

本研究得到了国家自然科学基金(项目号42071231)的资助。合作者为德国慕尼黑大学地理系的鲍文楷博士和美国哥伦比亚大学国际地球科学网络信息中心( CIESIN)的Alex de Sherbinin教授。


Scaling up case-based knowledge to understand human-environmental interactions is key to addressing the sustainability challenges we face in the Anthropocene. Mapping social-ecological system (SES) archetypes has emerged as a promising tool in identifying these interactions in a spatially explicit manner and developing transferrable sustainability solutions based on context-specific challenges. However, state-of-the-art SES archetype mapping is mainly bound to administrative borders. Lack of spatial details in SES maps does not always capture the panorama of SES configurations and hidden mechanisms. Empowered by multiple open-access geospatial big data streams, this study mapped two-tier nested SES archetypes at 1 km fine resolution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) urban agglomeration with high validation accuracy. Global SES archetypes derived from top-down rule-based classification revealed broad social-ecological configurations and social-ecological gradients across SESs. Meanwhile, regional SES sub-archetypes generated by bottom-up hierarchical clustering presented detailed SES characteristics that helped to identify location-specific sustainability challenges. Additionally, by scrutinizing the relationships among SES variables, we identified empirical evidence supporting the existence of four archetypical human-environmental interactions in an urban agglomeration area, manifesting as telecoupling between human and environment, human dependence on the environment, human adaption to the environment, and human modification and conservation of the environment. Generally, fine-resolution SES archetypes demonstrate great potential in supporting the recognition of local needs and gaps in existing policies, and further promoting sustainable landscape management in the BTH region and similar regions.
