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A Parametric Approach to Assess the Sustainability of Land Consolidation: A Case Study in Shandong Province, North China






      Zhengfeng Zhang and Wei Zhao(2013): A Parametric Approach to Assess the Sustainability of Land Consolidation: A Case Study in Shandong Province, North China, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems,37:4,444-464

      The initial goals of land consolidation (LC) in China were to increase cropland areas, reduce fragmentation, and promote agricultural productivity. The goal of improving environmental quality was overlooked, which damaged the sustainability of LC (SLC). Thus, constructing an evaluation system of SLC, could improve the methodological principles underlying LC, and provide support for the decision-making processes of the LC authorities. Based on the criteria of SLC, a total of 15 indicators were selected and the integrated index of SLC (ISLC) was defined to evaluate the SLC on enhancing agricultural productivity, strengthening disaster bearing capacity, improving ecological environment, and being economically viable and socially acceptable. The Xiaojing land consolidation project (LCP) in Shandong Province of North China was chosen as a case study. The results of the case study showed the total score of ISLC was 63.19 before LC and 80.55 after LC in the Xiaojing LCP, indicating that the SLC was increased after LC. The results indicated that changes of agricultural productivity, disaster bearing capacity, ecological environment, and economical viability and social acceptance were the positive contributions to improve the sustainability of LC.




摘要:中国开展土地整治的最初目标是增加耕地面积,减少土地破碎化和提高农业生产能力,而改善生态环境质量的目标往往被忽略,这也损害了土地整治的可持续性。因此,构建可持续土地整治评估体系,能丰富土地整治的理论,并为国土部门的土地整治决策提供帮助。论文依据可持续土地整治的标准,从土地整治应增加耕地有效利用面积并提高耕地产能、增强土地抵御自然灾害的能力、改善生态环境、具有经济活力与社会可接受性四个方面构建了评判的指标体系。选择山东省东明县小井土地整治项目进行案例研究,结果表明:小井土地整治项目在整治前后可持续性的得分分别为63.19和80.55,说明土地整治后可持续性增强。同时耕地生产能力、自然灾害抵御能力、生态环境、经济活力与可接受性对土地整治的可持续性均产生了正向的影响。Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems2013SCI