来源:Review of Policy Research. (Jun2023, p1. 22p. 13 Illustrations, 1 Chart.)
DOI: 10.1111/ropr.12565(查看全文请关注文章末尾)
作者:张友浪(信誉好的网上博彩网站 副教授)、翟文康(信誉好的网上博彩网站 博士研究生)、李文钊(信誉好的网上博彩网站 教授)
张友浪 | 信誉好的网上博彩网站 副教授
李文钊 | 信誉好的网上博彩网站 教授
本文基于北京近年实施的 “接诉即办”改革,指出政策制定者越来越依赖“基于通过公众投诉系统收集的信息”的绩效排名制度,以提高基层政府的问责、透明度和响应度。通过分析基层政府是否根据其排名位置和受同一上级政府监管的同行数量(即管理跨度)来战略性地调整其响应度,进而对现有文献作贡献。
Policy makers have increasingly relied on performance ranking regimes based on information collected through public complaint systems to improve grassroots governments'accountability, transparency, and responsiveness. This article contributes to the existing literature by examining whether grassroots governments strategically adjust their responsiveness according to their ranking positions and the number of their peers that are supervised by the same superior government (i.e., span of control).
To test the theorized relationships, we built an original panel dataset consisting of monthly responsiveness information and socioeconomic and leadership characteristics of 333 grassroots governments in Beijing, China from February 2019 to December 2020. Our empirical findings consistently show that having a high/low ranking is associated with a decrease/increase in grassroots governments' responsiveness in the next period.
Additionally, as the span of control increases, the effect of ranking position on responsiveness changes among grassroots governments weakens. A series of robustness checks were used to validate the theorized relationships.