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英文标题:The performativity of the state in China’s land transformation: A case study of Dahongmen, Beijing
来源:Oxford Development Studies
DOI: 10.1080/13600818.2022.2025770
The micropolitics involved in urbanising land is yet to be well illustrated in urban and development studies. With the case of Dahongmen in Beijing, this paper explores the governing techniques for dealing with land transformation to uncover the nature and conduct of the state in weaving together land and urban questions. Recognising the power of discourses in enacting actions, this paper focuses on two performative moments of the state in reassembling land for the urban process, corresponding to social (re)ordering and economic mechanisms respectively. Both moments are critical since new ideas, concepts, and calculative rationales are invented to reassemble land into the intermediator of the urban process, whereby the state renews its identity and authority. The state, seen from the perspective of performativity, is more like a process (with structural effects) where certain utterances are made and repeated to incorporate multiple actors in land assemblages for the urban political economy.
land politics; urban political economy; state; performativity; urban frontier; China
赵益民,信誉好的网上博彩网站 城市规划与管理系讲师,学术期刊 City 编辑,伦敦政治经济信誉好的网上博彩网站 Saw Swee Hock 东南亚研究中心兼职研究员。研究兴趣主要集中在城市变迁的社会-空间过程,尤其关注城市政治经济、空间与权力以及城市批判理论的多重可能性。其基于北京绿化隔离带研究撰写的博士论文获2019 年国际亚洲学者联合会(ICAS)最佳博士论文提名,目前他正在开展有关城市密度、城市基础设施和“全球中国”等议题的田野观察与理论反思。