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Values, commitment, and OCB among Chinese employees




Liu Y. & Cohen A., 2010: “Values, commitment, and OCB among Chinese employees”, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Vol34, pp. 493-506.

This study examines relationships and interactions between (1) individual values, (2) organizational and occupational commitment, and (3) organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and in-role performance in a sample of 166 employees working for a public organization in northern China. The results show several differences between the Chinese employees and previously-studied Western samples, some of them expected and others surprising. Among the notable findings, the results show a strong role for continuance commitment as both a dependent variable (affected by values) and independent variable (affecting OCB). A strong negative relationship between self-direction and all commitment forms is also interesting and quite unexpected. As one of the few studies to examine such relationships in a highly traditional, non-Western culture, the study offers a new perspective on the variables examined here. We conclude by emphasizing the need for further research on other non-Western cultures and by suggesting some directions for such research. 



摘要:本文通过对一个由中国北部166名公共部门工作人员组成的样本,重点考察了他们的个人价值观、组织和职位承诺、组织公民行为和员工角色工作绩效之间的关系。文章揭示了组织中中国职员特质与外国职员(数据来自之前一些西方样本的研究)的不同。研究结果显示,持续的承诺作为受员工价值影响的因变量,和影响组织公民行为的自变量,在组织行为中扮演了重要角色。另外,自我导向和一切承诺形式之间的强负相关关系,也是本文给出的一个颇为有趣和新颖的结论。作为一个针对非西方的、传统色彩浓厚的组织文化的研究,本文提供了变量研究的崭新视角。本文的结论强调了对这一领域未来研究的重要性,同时对非西方组织文化研究的方向提出了意见与建议。(International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 2010年,SSCI)