2022年11月,信誉好的网上博彩网站 教师张大鹏以独立署名身份于《Cities》发表学术论文,就当前学界热议的出行公平性问题,提出了基于经济福利分析该问题的理论和视角,搭建了出行体验与居民获得感之间的联系,提升了评估出行公平性工作中的客观性。
来源:Cities (Volume 132, January 2023, 104121)
英文标题:Understanding Mobility Inequality Through the Lens of Economic Welfare: The Difference in Willingness-to-pay And Actual Fare Matters
Existing studies investigate mobility inequality from the perspectives of accessibility and non-economic welfare. This paper proposes to analyze mobility inequality through the lens of economic welfare, which reflects the difference of passengers' willingness-to-pay and the actual fare. Based on the theory of welfare economics, this paper first defines the concept and specifies the formula of economic welfare with regards to mobility inequality. Then, economic welfare is calculated regarding the elderly's bus fare in Beijing and econometric models are estimated to examine how mobility inequality is socially and spatially distributed. Results show that those with low income and living in the low-unit-house-price communities in the city center are the marginalized group. The benefits of introducing economic welfare to mobility inequality studies include (1) it can improve the objectivity in assessing travelers' feelings and identifying marginalized groups; (2) the concept of economic welfare can directly correspond to the “sense of gain” policy initiative in China; (3) the perspective of economic welfare can inform transportation pricing policies to mitigate inequality issues. To conclude, this paper contributes to the existing literature by a new perspective of economic welfare that enriches the current dialogue of mobility inequality among the geographical, transportation, sociological and psychological researchers.
(撰稿人:信誉好的网上博彩网站 学生 付广帅)
张大鹏|信誉好的网上博彩网站 副教授