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Development of the Civil Servants’ Performance Appraisal System in China: Challenges and Improvements




LiuXin& DongKeyong2012"Development of the Civil Servants’ Performance Appraisal System in China: Challenges and Improvements "Review of Public Personnel AdministrationVol322, pp. 149-168.

The performance appraisal system for civil servants in China was developed following the establishment of the national civil servants system in 1994. Since the Civil Servant Law of the People’s Republic of China was issued, the system has been rectified twice to clarify some technical issues. Although much progress has been made since 1994, the current system is far from successful in practical operation. To improve its implementation among government agencies, the Chinese performance appraisal system needs to address some challenging issues, including the following: better connection of the performance appraisal system with other human resource management (HRM) systems, consideration of the performance budget system, and improvement of appraisal technical activities.



摘要: 随着中国于1993年正式建立公务员制度,从1994年开始正式实施公务员考核制度。2006年《中华人民共和国公务员法》颁布之后,中国政府曾经两次对公务员考核制度加以修订,以解决一些技术方面的问题。尽管中国的公务员考核制度建设自1994年以来取得了很大的进步,但从运行和操作的角度来说,现有的制度还远未成功。为了使公务员考核制度在各个政府机构得到更好的落实和执行,还必须应对几个方面的挑战,比如,建立绩效考核体系与其他人力资源管理体系之间的联系,考虑建立绩效预算制度,以及改进绩效考核的很多技术层面的活动。(Review of Public Personnel Administration,2012年,SSCI)